Shortcodes for Divi, Beaver, Elementor etcc
If you use a WordPress page builder such as Divi, Beaver, Elementor etc... You'll need shortcodes to display certain elements on your pages or posts.
Note: If, on the other hand, you're using the WordPress editor (Gutenberg), you've made the right choice ;-) and you have ready-to-use WPBoutik blocks.
Here's an example using Beaver Builder where I can display the products highlighted using the shortcode: [wpb_featured_products]

The following shortcodes are available:
- [wpb_last_products] - Latest products
- [wpb_featured_products] - Featured products
As it stands, these shortcodes will display the number of items and columns depending on the archive page (shop/category page). If the archive page is on three columns, the code will display 3 items on 3 columns.
If you want to customize further, you'll need to enter, for example: [wpb_last_products="X" nb_products="Y"], which will display the number of X items and Y columns.
Here's an example: [wpb_last_products col="3" nb_products="6"] -> this time, the code will display 6 items in three columns!
The number of columns is limited to a maximum of 6, while the number of items is unlimited.